Our Specialist Markets

Markets we specialize in

TaylorBaynes was originally established by 2 international recruiters intending to specifically hire global Sales positions. However, over time, job functions have evolved in complexity and our clients have asked us to fill any position which needs to be ‘searched’ for. Instead of having a job focus, we split TaylorBaynes into market-focus divisions:-


  • Business-focused Software recruitment  – Our bread and butter, we are happy to advise clients if we feel they can fill any position simply by advertising the role. However, for any type of position where specialist skills are required or where candidate qualification is important, then we can help.


  • Scientific & Life Sciences hiring – The complexity of science-related positions, and the lack of direct applicants for many scientific recruitment projects has seen a rapid increase in technical research and science-related searches across life-science, biotech and pharmaceutical clients.


  • Energy and Clean-tech search – An ever-changing market has seen us complete complex hires for advanced technology companies across areas such as hydrogen-related energy, and air-quality monitoring as well as businesses attempting to manage the immense volumes of data collected in the utilities sector.


  • DevOps, Testing and Infrastructure Recruitment – A particularly attractive area with a growing wealth of potential candidates now available in this market has led companies to wrongly believe that this type of recruitment can be completed by simply advertising jobs. However, the best candidates are in such high demand in this space, with top technology companies competing to hire them, that our role as head hunters is now to attract the best candidates into joining our clients. The need to attract the best people has displaced a belief that the best people should just want to work for our clients.


  • Semiconductor and Electronics hiring - Our clients in this space are companies which realise just how important specialist market knowledge and experience are. The availability of candidates and the simplicity of connecting with them on social media has led to recruitment projects being completed directly by companies where they have oversimplified job descriptions and led to bad hiring decisions. Key specialist positions will always be filled by the best candidates if a proactive search is completed to find the very best candidates, and not just the people who apply to job advertisements.


  • CyberSecurity. Risk and Compliance search - With 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs advertised in 2023 alone, and a never-ending number of cybersecurity startups being launched constantly, the role of the head-hunter in this market is now to attract the best people. We have completed searches for over 25 cybersecurity companies in the past 3 years, and the challenge remains the same, it is not about accessing talent. It is about sourcing and convincing the best people to join us.


  • ESG, Heath/Safety & Sustainability Recruitment – Both internal company drivers and Governmental requirements have led to enterprises needing to invest in environmental accounting and reporting programs. The advancement of regulations and compliance required by any company in terms of keeping employees safe and also how our emissions and waste will affect the environment has led to an entire ecosystem of new positions required within the business. The challenge for companies and the need for head-hunter assistance comes from finding specific candidates with experience in areas which did not exist just 5 years ago. The role of the Chief Sustainability Officer has never been as important.

Over the past 10 years we have recruited in over 35 countries, often following market changes and with an ever-growing percentage of our business focused on leading European tech firms as they expand across North America.

Our international recruitment specialism is with working with startup and scaleup technologies, ranging from Seed investment round through to Series C, and ranging in size from 5 employees to 250 employees. Our process is entirely search-based, we never advertise any positions, and our success is based on proactive head-hunting with some of ours searches ranging from 200 people to up to 1000 people contacted for the most challenging hires.

We work positions until they are filled.

At present at least 40% of our search projects are North America-based, with a further 45% in the European mainland.

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